
Tranquility 27

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Residential Tranquility 27Two Stage Packaged Series

The opposite of anxiety… is Tranquility 27™. Homeowners just like you are growing more anxious every day as energy prices fluctuate wildly. Even worse, no permanent relief is in sight.

What can you do to protect your family from this costly trend? Reduce your consumption of energy. You can improve your home’s “energy efficiency” with improved appliances, more insulation, and newer or fewer windows… but, did you know that over 50% of your utility costs come from heating, cooling, and water heating? Now, that’s something you can control… it's called the Tranquility 27™ geothermal system from ClimateMaster.

Using EarthPureŽ Ozone Safe Refrigerant*, the Tranquility 27™ is a breakthrough in efficiency – providing you with the greatest energy savings of any space conditioning system and unprecedented environmental protection at the same time.

The Tranquility 27™ is so sophisticated it automatically adjusts itself to provide the optimum, consistent indoor air temperatures regardless of the weather extremes.

Advanced Two-Stage Technology allows the Tranquility 27™ to operate at the most efficient level for all weather conditions. The Tranquility 27™ has the industry’s highest efficiency ratings.

Advanced two-stage design allows the Tranquility 27™ to “match” performance to meet all weather conditions:

• On those cold winter days the second stage automatically engages when needed to keep your home warm and comfortable.
• During the hottest months the second stage automatically engages when needed to provide additional cooling.
• In mild spring and fall months only the first stage is needed to provide optimum indoor comfort.
• Ninety percent of the year the Tranquility 27™ runs on low stage. The second stage kicks in automatically only when needed in the hottest and coldest months of the year. Using an electronic variable-speed fan motor, the Tranquility 27™ assures you of high comfort, maximum efficiency, superior year-round dehumidification, and low utility bills.

The energy-efficiency criteria for geothermal heat pumps to qualify for the Energy Star program requires an EER rating of 14.1 (closed loop systems) or 16.2 (open loop system). The Tranquility 27™ has a EER rating of 27 – showing that not all Energy Star qualified systems are equal.

Tranquility 27™. The most energy efficient space conditioning system available from any manufacturer, anywhere on the planet.





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Coastal Geothermal
102 Middle Street
Jacksonville, NC 28546
(910) 353-9026


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Kristina Radford
K&R Grafix